Robot Cognitive Stimulation Instructor
1. What is a Robot Cognitive Stimulation Instructor?
Based on a basic understanding and knowledge of brain health, we conduct a cognitive stimulation program using a robot for all age groups who need cognitive stimulation, improve cognitive function, guide them to maintain an emotionally positive and stable life, and develop related contents and education for nurturing professional manpower.
2. What is the level of robot cognitive stimulation instructors (job description)?
1) Level 1
Possessing expertise in robot cognitive stimulation guidance and clinical application ability, we conduct cognitive stimulation programs using robots for all age groups in need of cognitive stimulation, and develop related cognitive stimulation robot contents, robot set management, and A/S, Implementation of education to nurture experts in related fields.
2) Level 2
Possessing basic knowledge and ability to use the introductory robot cognitive stimulation map, content general, and program progress, we conduct cognitive stimulation programs using robots for all age groups in need of cognitive stimulation to improve cognitive function and create emotionally positive emotions. Instructing people to maintain a stable life and developing cognitive stimulation robot contents
3. Maintaining and Renewing Certifications
1) Valid period
- 2 years from the date of certification
2) Continuing education and renewal
- One time maintenance training 3 months before the expiration of the validity period (individual inquiry / sending e-mail)
- 2 years from the date of completion
4. Information on application for certificate issuance
1) How to apply
- Postal, in-person, and mail submissions are available
-When applying by mail, it is recommended to use a registered mail (however, issuance on-site is impossible.)
-Sent to: Room 1103, Building 202, Chunui Technopark II, 18, Bucheon-ro 198beon-gil, Bucheon-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
5. Notes on certification application
1) The certificate will be sent to the address indicated in the application form, so be sure to write the correct address for receipt.
2) If there is no addressee, it will be returned, so please provide an address where you can actually receive the mail.
3) Refunds will be processed for those who do not meet the qualifications, so the refund account must be accurately entered.
6. Educational institutions
1) Seongbuk 50 Plus Center
2) Gwanak Women’s Human Resources Development Center
7. Qualification information
1) Qualification Name: Robot Cognitive Stimulation Instructor
2) Qualification Type: Private Qualification Registration Certificate
3) Grade name: Level 1, Level 2
4) Registration number: 2020-004980
5) Qualification issuing organization: Whydots
6) Cost: Qualification issuance fee 60,000 won
7) Details Fee, Refund Policy:
- Limited to successful applicants, unless notified prior to an i ssuance of certification, registration fee is non-refundable.
- Unsuccessful applicants will be refunded to the account written in the certification application form.
8. Management and operation (issuing) institution information
1) Name of organization: Whydots Co., Ltd.
2) Representative: Yoon Young-seop
3) Person in charge: Team leader Bae Ji-young
4) Contact: 02)6951-3620
5) Email:
6) Location: Room 1103, Building 202, Chunui Technopark II, 18, Bucheon-ro 198beon-gil, Bucheon-si,Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
7) Homepage:
9. Consumer Notice
1) The above “Robot Cognitive Stimulation Instructor” qualification is a private qualification registered in accordance with the Framework Act on Qualifications, and is recognized by the government. is not an accredited qualification.
2) For details on the private qualification registration and accreditation system, refer to the 'Private Qualification Service instruction' section.
10 . Certification Examples